
We’re seeking partners to join our consortium and help develop novel drugs and therapies for cancers affecting children and young people.

Help us achieve our vision

To help us build and advance our portfolio of new potential therapies, we need like-minded organisations to partner with us to provide additional funding, contribute expert capabilities and extend the reach of C-Further.

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Working in partnership and considering the whole lifecycle from drug discovery through to approval is critical to developing new treatments for cancers affecting children and young people. C-Further aims to do this by gathering like-minded organisations around the world and pooling their knowledge, capabilities and funding in order to progress new therapeutics for this unmet need.

Tony Hickson

Chief Business Officer, Cancer Research Horizons

Why partner with us?

It’s clear that our mission cannot be realised alone. We have started this pioneering initiative with an initial investment of £28m (USD $36m) in resource and funding but we will not be sustainable as a therapeutic discovery initiative without new partners coming onboard to provide additional funding and capabilities.

By joining us, you can help shape a new future for children and young people with cancer, through collective expertise, technologies and capabilities delivered in a co-ordinated, mission-driven manner.


Who are we looking for?

If you or your organisation wants to see new cancer therapies developed for children and young people, we want to hear from you. Get in touch at

Are you a research institution, university or specialist hospital with therapeutic opportunities, expertise or capabilities that would benefit C-Further?

Does your biopharmaceutical company or contract research organisation bring capabilities that could accelerate or enable projects through in kind contributions?

Are you a charity, impact investor, philanthropist, foundation or family office interested in accelerating the discovery and development of new therapeutics for children and young people affected by cancer?

Are you a regulatory expert, economist or think tank that can drive collective action and help us improve the pathway for novel therapeutics into the clinic?

Have questions about how the consortium works?

Read through our frequently asked questions and get in touch to discuss.

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